Heat wave in northern India is also serious temperature ...

The coldest region in the world is also reaching maximum temperature ...

Heat wave in northern India is also serious temperature ... It is the coldest region in the world, Sakha Republic in the Russian Federation west. The other day here, the highest temperature reached in Celsius, a lot of people that gathered to cool glacier. Temperature than the Yemen in the Middle East was high Saha, the capital of the Republic of Yakutsk is the largest city in the world that has been built on top of permafrost. Because of this happens in the winter and also dropped to minus 0 degrees Celsius, it has been said to be the coldest region in the world. But month and day, the highest temperature reached in Celsius, that was hotter than the Middle East of Yemen. Therefore gathered a lot of people in Buluus glacier, spent in light clothes and a swimsuit, that's cool off. Buluus glacier is located in the location that is a deep valley away 00km from Yakutsk, glacier covers 000 hectares of land, but so is most of the ice does not melt even during the summer. Gather a lot of people in the riverside of the city In fact, that this area is attacked by a heat wave of the summer, sometimes the temperature reaches Celsius.